
路易威登(LV男包)LOUIS VUITTON新款Apollo小号邮差包 M43410

路易威登(LV男包)LOUIS VUITTON新款顶级原单邮差包,APOLLO 小号邮差包 M43410 此款与日本设计师藤原浩合作设计的Apollo 小号邮差包融汇品牌传统元素——Monogram花纹——与充满现代感的精致细节——两道反射性条纹与一道黑色条纹 菱纹镶边 口袋缝线以及彩色Rainbow饰件——兼具时尚与动感风格 尺寸小巧 风格时尚 携带个人必备品的完美之选。
size:30x 23x 7cm

【English description】
LOUIS VUITTON New Top Original Single Postman Bag, APOLLO Small Postman Bag M43410 This Apollo Small Postman Bag, designed in collaboration with Japanese designer Hao Fujihara, combines the traditional elements of the brand — Monogram pattern — with the delicate details full of modernity — two reflective stripes and a black stripe diamond border Pocket stitching and colored Rainbow accessories – a perfect choice for personal necessities with both stylish and dynamic styles, small size and fashion.
Size:30x 23x 7cm

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