
Roger Vivier經典款RV方头方扣粗跟单鞋-黑色

Roger Vivier经典中的經典款漆皮方头方扣粗跟单鞋 市场大把多但沒有一家做的對版的!(不信原版借你去比一比!)于心不忍浪费了这么美的款 三月份時就去太古汇6100入手专柜最新紫色!到手后各种开模磨合摸索了整整两个多月,看似简单款做起来确实不简单,终于知道市场为什么没有人做对版了,没有拆原版根本不了解此款美丽玄机!从楦形腰身、后包立体包脚、鞋头立体定型严格对版!(只有流水线机器工艺大厂才做的出)五金饰扣、内外全体用料所有独家开模定制!
独家開模原版五金饰扣 含0.8%真金!原版锁螺丝请区分市场的打插脚易掉落易氧化五金!(有图片對比) 独家開模原版小方跟4.5cm,请区分开市场又宽发黄不对版跟形(有图片可供對比)

【English description】
The classic Roger Vivier classic shoes market is a lot, but none of them is right. (don’t believe the original edition, lend you a comparison!) I can’t bear to waste such beautiful money. When I went to Tai Gu 6100 in March, I’d like to start with the latest purple in the special counter. After arriving at the hands of a variety of open mold run-in fumbled for more than two months, it seems that the simple model is not easy to do, and finally know why the market is no one to do the right version, not to dismantle the original version simply do not understand this beautiful mystery machine! From the last shape waist, the back bag solid package foot, the toe cap stereotype is strict to the edition! (Only the production line machine process factory to do) hardware buttons, internal and external all materials for all the exclusive custom mold!
Exclusive model Original Hardware Ornament button contains 0.8% real gold! The original lock screws, please distinguish the market easy to drop easy oxidation hardware! (Photo Contrast) Exclusively open the original small square and 4.5 cm, please distinguish the market and wide yellow not to follow the shape (there are pictures for comparison)
The original Italy high density genuine leather sole, the original custom custom cow paint, the grain goat skin inside!
Purple, black, BOLN, red, elephant ash, ice gray, nude color! (authentic products are strictly colored, please separate the market from the version color).
SIZE:35/39 (34, 40 can be customized, no refund) full package of counters.

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